Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cyanotype Toning - Lipton Tea and Folger's Instant Coffee as Toner

 Lipton Tea and Folger's Instant Coffee as Toner - no bleaching

This image show the straight Cyanotype, a piece of the same paper allowed to sit in a solution of Lipton Tea (10 tea bags steeped in 1 L of water) for about 3 hours, a piece of the same paper allowed to sit in a solution of Folger's Instant Coffee (about 2-4 oz of coffee [wasn't precise with that] and 1 L of water) for about 3 hours.

It is important to stress that I did not bleach the prints before hand. Just threw the strips in the mix and let them stew.

Washed in water afterwards.

The tea toned print is a lovely brown. The coffee toned print is surprisingly neutral. I would imagine that you would see more of a brown or eggplant color in the mid tones, but I really don't see it in this dense test strip.

Second image shows the flip side of the paper. Clearly, the coffee and tea have stained the base tint of the paper. The backside of the paper is more stained than the front as there is no cyanotype coating on the back. You could probably play with the times that they were allowed to soak to determine if you could get maximum toning affect without so much of a stain on the paper.

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